Health & Safety

Statement of Intent

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and associated protective legislation, the company, both as an Employer and as a Company, has duties in respect of health, safety and welfare.

The company recognizes these responsibilities and undertakes to implement all measures that are reasonably practicable to …

Ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons at work; and
Protect the general public from risks to health and safety arising from the company’s activities.
In this regard, management will provide the necessary resources and seek the co-operation of all employees.

In order to comply with this statutory duty the company will:

  1. Define the responsibilities relating to health and safety for all person at work;*
  2. Promote joint consultation and employee involvement in health and safety at work.
  3. Provide information and instruction as necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of its employees, to comply with Health and Safety legislation and regulations; and to promote awareness and understanding of health and safety throughout the workforce;
  4. Provide and maintain safe systems of work, and a safe and healthy working environment;
  5. Ensure safety and absence of health risks in connection with use, handling, storage and transport of articles, equipment, materials and substances;
  6. Provide adequate arrangements for welfare of persons at work;
  7. Carry out risk assessments to identify any hazards, and bring the attention of these hazards and any precautionary measures to the attention of persons at work;
  8. Record and investigate accidents and incidences of occupational ill health;
  9. Monitor health and safety on a regular basis;
  10. Provide and maintain appropriate personal protective equipment where necessary; and
  11. Review this statement of Health and Safety Policy regularly, and when necessary due to changes in legislation, work practices and systems, and articles and substances used in the workplace.

Organisation and arrangements for implementing the Health and Safety Policy

  1. Ultimate responsibility, for the health and safety of all persons at work, lies with the Managing Director.
  2. The Managing Director has responsibility for ensuring that the company complies with all legal and regulatory requirements in relation to health and safety and implementing any guidance as far as is reasonably practicable.
  3. The Managing Director is responsible for identifying and fulfilling the training and information needs of persons at work in regard to health and safety.
  4. The Company Secretary will ensure that there is an effective system for joint consultation with employees on health and safety issues.
  5. Safe systems of work will be designed and documented by management.
  6. The Managing Director will ensure that there is an effective system for reporting, recording and investigating accidents. The system implemented will comply with legal requirements.
  7. First aid facilities will be provided and a first aider designated to be readily available.
  8. Management will ensure that all tools and equipment, (particularly high-risk equipment such as ladders and other access equipment) is used in such a manner so as to comply with specific health and safety regulations and legal requirements.
  9. Management will ensure that vulnerable staff are adequately supervised to prevent, as far as reasonably practicable, risk of injury or ill health.

* Throughout this statement, “all persons at work” includes managers, employees, sub-contractors and their staff, and any other person visiting the place of work.

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